Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2 Million Gallons of Fuel

70% of all vehicles on the road are out of alignment. Today’s average fuel price is $ 3.52. American’s are losing 2 million gallons of fuel a day due to various alignment and tire issues.

Today we will lose $7,040,000 in wasted fuel due to tire, steering, and suspension issues.  Repair facilities are finding it harder to up sell regular maintenance, alignments, and the basic services that keep your customers on the road in today’s economy due to budget constraints.

Helping your customers understand the importance of regular maintenance could save your customers thousands per year, this should also build customer loyalty. If you would like to learn more about checking your customer's alignment is 3 minutes or less give call at 913.481.9392 or contact me via email.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Internal customers

When repair facility owners ask me how to increase their average ticket I usually ask them how much they let their employees know how much they appreciate them. 

In order to increase your average ticket you have to have buy in from your internal customers. All of the high profile advertising in the world will not help you get more customers without the enthusiasm of your employees. 

Share your business objectives with your employees. Operate as a team rather than a hierarchy. Get buy in from your staff by listening more than you talk.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Increasing your ticket and helping your customer

The more information you can give your customer the better your relationship with that customer will be. Trust takes time. In the automotive time is something we are short on. Hunter’s single process Quick Check™ system will help you save time, increase profits, and build a loyal customer base.

In about 3 minutes you can share this vital information with your customer on a professional print out:
Hunter’s single process Quick Check™ system gives you five more opportunities to increase your ticket, increase your customer's loyalty, and help keep them on the road longer.

Selling Alignments

The average price of a newly mounted and balanced tire with a new valve stem is roughly $125 per tire. That’s $500 for the set of four. If your customer's wheel alignment is out, they could lose that $500 in short order.

That’s why it's important to let your customer know when their vehicle is out of alignment. More often than not your customer assumes you are trying to up-sell them so try this approach.

"A vehicle that is out of alignment shortens the life of your tires, reduces your MPG, cause premature wear to your shocks and struts and reduces the quality of your ride."

What do 65% of all women do?

65% of women take their own vehicles to repair shops for service. Some repair industry experts believe that number is closer to 80% according to Road and Travel Magazine. That means there are  over 1.6 million women going into their local repair facility to have their vehicle repaired every year.

How do you attract that customer and build a long term relationship with them? Good service, fair prices, positive reviews; all of these techniques will get your potential customer in the door but you must offer them something different.

Hunter’s single process Quick Check™ system will help you save time, increase profits, and build a loyal customer base by providing vital information about the overall health of every vehicle that comes into your repair facility.